“Sometimes your only available transportation is a leap of faith.”

Margaret Shepherd

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Addiction Recovery

Addiction Recovery

Addictions Don’t Have to Ruin Your Life!
We offer a listening ear to help you become your True You. We assist people who want healthy minds and emotions to reach the goal, and we work with the professionals who serve them.




New Book Project

New Book Project: The Intimate Man

The Intimate Man: Genuine Intimacy For The 21st Century Male
Why is a book on intimacy necessary for men in the 21st Century? Without intimacy, men miss half of everything life offers! John realizes that men don’t easily use the word intimacy, but he believes...


Participate in Male Intimacy Survey...



Fiction, TV & Film

Fiction, TV & Film

John’s talents as a storyteller
developed over his 25-year history of writing fiction: 10 years in Hollywood’s television industry as well as 15 years producing/writing/directing videos for his former media company in Minneapolis. In his spare hours...