“There are few limits to what people can do if they don’t care who gets the credit.”

Ronald Reagan

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Written by John Howard Prin, LADC   

The Roadmap To Lifelong Recovery

The Roadmap To Lifelong Recovery

The Roadmap To Lifelong Recovery

Tested Strategies to Overcome Addiction And Avoid Relapse

by John Howard Prin, LADC

This guidebook is meant for men and women with addictive histories who feel ready to discover ways to create satisfying, non-using lives. Appropriate for in-patient and out-patient settings or aftercare and sober living programs, it offers genuine encouragement and a practical “step by step” method for you to sort through your damaged feelings and mixed-up thoughts to discover your TRUE YOU...your real, healthy self that existed before you used. It will serve as the anchor for your authentic life of sobriety.

"Through his own personal and professional life journey, John Prin has provided a travel guide for those striving to rebuild their lives. The Roadmap to Lifelong Recovery is a profound gift. John walks with us in our own journey of transformation from the disease of addiction, using the 12 Steps of AA for a more spiritual, healthy and wonderful way of life."

- Annetta Sutton, MA, AAPC
Hazelden Spiritual Director


Secret Keeping

Secret Keeping

Secret Keeping

Overcoming hidden habits and addictions

by John Howard Prin, LADC

A Secret Keeper is a person whose secrets have power over them and make them misbbehave, become sick, or violate their family. We are here to offer a listening ear to help you overcome your Secret Keeping habits.

"Recovery means escaping from the labyrinth of one's own lies. John Prin's book on keeping secrets lays bare the essential connection between image management and a 'secret life.' A useful, well-written book by someone who has been there."

- Patrick Carnes, PhD,
author of Out of the Shadows


Stolen Hours

Stolen Hours

Stolen Hours

Breaking free from secret addictions

by John Howard Prin, LADC

Secret Keepers are everyday folks who may be well functioning on one level, but in bondage to deeply held secrets on another. The author himself is a prime example.and Stolen Hours is his story.

"Stolen Hours makes a valuable contribution to understanding self-defeating behaviors. Mr. Prin's stirring story, as well as his insights for readers, will help many who hide unhealthy secrets and struggle against compulsive urges or addictions."

- Robert. E. Hardy, EdD
author of Self-Defeating Behaviors